Medshield Family Medical Aid Scheme 2021 - Medshield
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Choose the right plan for you and your family.

Our online tools will help you choose the right plan

2022 Medical Aid Plans


Is an unlimited hospital plan to cover In-Hospital expenses for major medical emergencies. MediSwift offers unlimited In-Hospital cover through the Compact Hospital Network.


For corporates and
professionals, offering unlimited hospital cover and the freedom to manage daily healthcare expenses through a Personal Savings Account.


 A corporate choice for employees and individuals who require comprehensive unlimited In-Hospital coupled with Day-to-Day benefits.


Members who want to manage their own Out-of-Hospital expenses through a Personal Savings Account whilst having unlimited hospital cover.


Hospital plan for those who
require unlimited hospital
cover, with full PMB cover.


MediValue is the ideal
option for first time medical
cover buyers (young and
healthy individuals).


Both the Prime and Compact
choices are suitable for
members who require more
benefits – unlimited hospital
cover with a range of day-to-day


You never know when you,
or any of your registered
dependants, may require
medical care which could
result in substantial costs.


MediCurve is an affordable
digital plan that enables young,
healthy, tech-savvy, first-time
medical aid buyers cover without
any financial strain on their day-
to-day lives.

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